Category Archives: Holidays

The Toughest Thanksgiving

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Happy Thanksgiving to everyone, especially to those among you who find it hard to feel grateful this year.

Being Italian, I never get to celebrate this day, and it is so inherently North American that it would be even silly to do it.

However, just like every other year, this holiday got me thinking.

What would I say thanks for right now, if I were asked around a table? What can you be thankful for when you have gone through something terrible?

I am not at all thankful for this past year, because even though it had some good things in it, the pain I went through goes far beyond all the good that happened.

I would gladly give back every accomplishment, every good moment and trade it for what could or should have been.

But as much as I would love to, I cannot unlive what happened.

The only way to go forward, the only way to find a hint of gratefulness for what has been, is to gain the most from what the experience you went through left you. Let your new scars become your new strengths.

All this grief has taught me something. Thanks to it, I have learned to drastically re-evaluate my priorities. I have learned to let go of petty things and to love the little things just that bit more. I have learned that destiny has its way no matter what you do, and for this reason, it is better to live more and think less.

For these lessons, I am thankful.

And I’m also grateful I still have hope.



Halloween 2013: bleeding advices on how to carve a pumpkin… (under 1 not admitted)

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Halloween 2013: Nashville, TN.

Here we are, again!
After almost three weeks of absence due to intense traveling in Washington DC (a post will follow, K.I.T.), we are now in Nashville, about to experience our first real American HALLOWEEN!!!

So, the first thing we had to do to really live the experience was to carve a pumpkin!

And then we thought: why not use our pictures to create a last-minute super-quick guide to pumpkin carving?

Here we go!

1. First of all: gather all your pumpkin carving tools (if you don’t have any, you can just use your regular kitchen knives and a spoon) and put your pumpkin on a trash bag or something you can either throw away or wash.


2. Cut out the top of your pumpkin and set it aside (beware the pumpkin-eatin’ dog).


3. Scoop out all the filamentous inside (maybe a bit smelly).

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4. Put your own pattern (you can draw it, download it, whatever) on your favorite part of the pumpkin, fix it with tape or hold it still and start cut the outline throught the paper with something sharp (watch your fingers: you do not want your pumpkin chewing one of them).

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5. Let’s get carvin’ the pumpkin! Once cut, push the pieces you want to remove inside.


6. Clean the inside edges to make your pumpkin look great for its important day!


7. Admire your creation and make it glow putting a candle in it!!!

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